Friday Fun-ness

I love the outdoors, and am looking forward to hiking Glacier National Park next week, but I tell you if I run into this guy, I will push him off a cliff:

6 Responses to Friday Fun-ness

  1. Make sure it’s the highest cliff you can find.

    What hikes are you planning? Are you going to have pictures to post?

  2. trog69 says:

    Pics, or it didn’t happen. Also film when the guy just starts his plummet, so we can all laugh and cry…no it’ll all be laughing, when he’s pushed over.

  3. Benjamin says:


    This is rawr.ben (previously 1love1god1way) from the Crosswalk forums.

    I had seen your name pop up somewhere and realized I hadn’t seen from you in a long time.

    I just wanted to say that I miss your posts and hope that all is well with you!



  4. jackhudson says:

    What hikes are you planning? Are you going to have pictures to post?

    We will be doing the main trails, the Highline Trail and up and around the Many Glaciers portion of the park. I am bringing my camera, which is capable enough but considering renting or borrowing a better camera just because of the opportunity to take so many great pictures. I’ll post some pictures when I get back – I am sort of a wildlife fanatic, so there will probably be lots of those.

    I just have to resist the urge to chase a bear with the camera like I do in Minnesota – they are a little bigger and meaner there I hear.

  5. jackhudson says:

    Ben – Hi!

    Good to hear from you again. I haven’t been on Crosswalk since the ‘Teddy Kennedy fiasco’ almost a year ago. I enjoyed the discussions there, but I took the whole event as a sign that it was time to move on and do something else – I want to be a better writer and not just a debater, which is my inclination. Hope you stick around and comment when you have a chance, I always appreciated your perspective.

  6. jackhudson says:

    Pics, or it didn’t happen. Also film when the guy just starts his plummet, so we can all laugh and cry…no it’ll all be laughing, when he’s pushed over.

    It might be hard to do both at the same time, I will have to have my son hold the camera while it happens. It will certainly be a big hit on youtube, sort of a sequel, ‘Hiker throws hysterical rainbow guy from the cliff’.

    Good to see you around trog.

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